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How is everyone doing? what Story's have you been working on, and how about you show some of it in the Story/writing Community, i would love to see it

ok idk how long mine will stay but i guess join as long as it still works friends!!!!!!

Streaming for probably the last time on here, anyway i already got some stuff ready!!

Planing to stream after binner probably
also gonna make a Chat commands as well lul, got no idea how they work too XD

Please come and join me in my fireside so i got people to chat with

here is a little collection of art i made for or with @Applestar233 in mind ^^ be sure to cheek him out, also we work out a design which i already made in Gacha but i wanna wait with posting it, but Dear is allowd to use it as there pfp if they wanna

hey anyone interestet in joing a community all about storys and helping it out? ^^
please come join use, make it better, and most of all share your storys